Tuesday, November 5, 2019


oo-chaa: its a sound my 2.5 year old son has made several when doing something that requires extra effort. He just made it up one day and it is catchy so it has stuck with me.

This blog is meant to be anonymous. I have tried blogging several times but was paralyzed by it being public and me being known as the author. Even though I am not famous in any way, I just don't feel comfortable sharing mostly unedited thoughts when my identity is public.

I am creating a blog so that I can unload my brain somewhere. If someone comes across it and can relate, that's great.

I am 34 year years old. I am married to a wonderful man and we have an amazing son. I have an incredible career that I have a love/hate relationship with. Its something I excel at, the income is great but I hate going to work. I have been doing it for almost 9 years and I am trying to escape it.

Therefore I am starting a business in another industry doing something I think I love.

I am in the process of beginning and am running into many obstacles but am pushing forward.


oo-chaa: its a sound my 2.5 year old son has made several when doing something that requires extra effort. He just made it up one day and it...